Healthcare Volatile Stocks: Lannett Company (NYSE:LCI), Agenus Inc (NASDAQ:AGEN), AcelRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ACRX), EXACT Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS)
Lannett Company (NYSE:LCI) major shareholder David Farber unloaded 7,500 shares of Lannett Company stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, June 23rd. The stock was sold at an average price of $50.00, for a total value of $375,000.00. Following the transaction, the insider now directly owns 70,000 shares in the company, valued at approximately $3,500,000. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. Major shareholders that own 10% or more of a company’s stock are required to disclose their sales and purchases with the SEC. Lannett Company, Inc. (NYSE:LCI) net profit margin is 13.30% and weekly performance is -8.16%. On last trading day company shares ended up $45.57. Analysts mean target price for the company is $47.25. Lannett Company, Inc. (NYSE:LCI) distance from 50-day simple moving average is 8.12%.
Agenus Inc (AGEN) announced phase 2 trial results of its Prophage autologous cancer vaccine for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The results showed that patients who were administered the vaccine as part of their standard care treatment saw an astonishing 2-year increase in their life spans. The results carry significance because in a majority of cases, the disease tends to kill patients within a year. Agenus Inc (NASDAQ:AGEN) shares fell -6.08% in last trading session and ended the day on $3.40. AGEN Gross Margin is 88.90% and its return on assets is -67.10%. Agenus Inc (NASDAQ:AGEN) quarterly performance is 20.57%.
USA-based AcelRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ACRX) revealed that its partner, family-owned German drugmaker Grunenthal, has submitted a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) to the European Medicines Authority for Zalviso (ARX-01) for the management of moderate to severe acute pain in adult patients in a medically supervised environment. AcelRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ACRX) shares moved down -5.47% in last trading session and was closed at $10.55, while trading in range of $10.39-$11.53. AcelRx Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ACRX) year to date performance is -6.72%.
Analysts at Goldman Sachs initiated coverage on shares of EXACT Sciences in a research note on Wednesday, June 4th. They set a “buy” rating and a $19.00 price target on the stock. EXACT Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) ended the last trading day at $15.77. Company weekly volatility is calculated as 4.20% and price to cash ratio as 11.26. EXACT Sciences Corporation (NASDAQ:EXAS) showed a negative weekly performance of -7.40%.
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